Our Story:

It’s happening right here

We’ve got this really cool historic building at 12 South 6th Street we saved from demolition, but it’s more than that.

We connect people with great ideas

Studio 12 is a collective of ordinary people cultivating life-changing ideas. We believe in those ideas and connect with a community of really awesome folks who know how to make things happen.

12 is our number

We are quite keen on a few things,

12 of them to be exact:

iphone showcase

• Cultivation.

Bounce your ideas off of us.
We are good listeners.

• Creativity.

We’ve done this a few times.
We’ll get the creative juices flowing.

• Confidence.

Your comfort zone?
We push you right out of it.

• Practice.

Simulators and pitch competitions.
We know where to find them.

• Diversity.

We house tons of different businesses.
All in one space.

• Connection.

We know the right people.
We’ll take care of the introductions.

• Development.

Empty buildings.
We know the right ones.

• Money.

We know how to get it.
Enough said.

• Versaitility.

We make it happen anywhere.

• Resources.

If we don’t have the answer,
we’ll help find it.

• Location.

Northwest Iowa.
We’ve got lakes. That's right.

• Amenities.

We have a coffee shop.
Central Perk. First floor, check it out.

Our People

The true value of a business center is the people, not the facility itself. Here are a couple of the people Studio 12 keeps on staff to help you realize your entrepreneurial potential.

member image
Lyle Hevern
Studio 12
member image
Brian Dalziel
Studio 12

Studio 12 in the news

Lakes Business News

May 24, 2017

Estherville's Excel Building, Studio 12 could anchor an entrepreneurial neighborhood

Clay and Milk

Jan 11, 2017

Here's a list of Iowa Startup Accellerators and Co-Working Spaces

Estherville News

May 18, 2017

Studio 12 has Open House on Thursday and Friday

Estherville News

August 03, 2016

Excel! Building to be open to public
